What We Can Do for You

Wealth & Investment Advisory Our approach to wealth management is a powerful combination of two distinct but complementary services: Financial Planning and Investment Management. You can access either one on its own but together they make a completely holistic approach to looking after you and your money. The specific role…

Consult with experts Consult with experts Merger and acquisition (M&A) is a very popular tool of domestic and foreign businesses for the purpose of implementing expansion and development strategies. M&A requires the consultant to have a highly qualified and experienced workforce in dealing with complex legal issues as well as…

Accounting and auditing QUẢN LÝ GIA SẢN VÀ CỐ VẤN ĐẦU TƯ Trên thị trường tài chính toàn cầu, Quản lý Gia sản ( WM- Wealth Management ) hoặc Tư vấn Quản lý Tài sản ( WMA – Wealth Management Advisor ) không phải là một khái niệm mới. Được…
Founded in 2009, AFA Research & Education is an expert in strategic management and finance with an enterprise argument transformation platform.
AFA conducts financial and management consulting programs for corporations, banks and hundreds of SMEs
Team of Professionals